Hello everbody, I`m gonna travel to England with my friend to watch a football match.

Day 2

Hi! Today we woke up at 07:00 am so we could catch the flight, my dad drove us to the airport. You can`t imagine how exited we was, I have dreamd about this, so you now it`s like a dream came true. Now we was in the airport and my dad said goodbye and hug me and you know like all the parents he said "be careful and mind your own buisness". Of course I said okay and said goodbye again and then we past the gate.
The plane was about to lift in 5 minutes and the first second we sat in the plane we started to talk about the big derby for sure. Now we was there in London in the airport and we took a taxi from the airport to the hotel. When we was there a man opened the door and took our bags and took us to the reception so we could check in, after that the porter took our bags to our rooms. I was really tired when we was there so I took a nap for like an hour.    
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