Hello everbody, I`m gonna travel to England with my friend to watch a football match.

Sources : I looked at many websites and finally I
found this one. is the official website for tennis and it is reliable because like I said it`s the official site. The articals in this site can not be reproduced by any other site. Atp is a abbreviation for Association of Tennis Professionals. I mean this website could not be more reliable than this. For sure it`s professionals about tennis who writes this articals and we should trust them. : This is the official website for the english rugby. You can find for example the best rugby team or the best ranked players or what ever you want to know about rugby. Like the official website for tennis this is also the same, so we should also belive this site because of course like I said before it`s professional who write the articals. : I also used, I know that this website is not very reliable but some of the articals are because I`ve compared with other website and the fatcs was the same, so this site is also reliable on it`s way. I don`t think that people have time to write fake facts, the other way round I think people who cares writes true facts because they wants to help other people with their studys. Many people thinks that is not reliable because everybody can just write whatever they want but then checks if the facts is reliable or not.
I hope you liked what I´ve write about my trip to England. I don`t know if you will like it or not but I hope that, I mean it`s up to you. :)      
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